How It Works

Doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers who are SAUTE members are encouraged to apply for a SAUTE Travel and Resources Award of up to 500 Fr. per person.
A maximum of 3000 Fr. plus the total amount of donations made by members to the travel and resources fund in the previous year is awarded every year, either for travel expenses, costs for archival work, or digitization fees.
Due consideration will be given to the employment status of applicants. The award is for travel in the year of or the year after that of application.
Candidates should write to the President of SAUTE and send one single pdf which contains a curriculum vitae, a project description, a budget and, where appropriate, an indication of whether alternate sources of funding have been applied for.
The spoken money can only be reimbursed once the successful candidates have submitted the original bills/receipts (if at all possible, or copies of the request to other institutions).