The SAUTE membership fee is CHF 60.–
New procedure for membership fees as of 2024:
For the purpose of ensuring a timely and efficient harmonisation of membership status between SAUTE, ESSU, and the SAUTE mailing list, the deadline for paying membership fees has been moved to an earlier date. Annual membership fees will now be expected by February each year. A reminder will be sent out by the treasurer well in advance.
SAUTE members who have missed the deadline will be considered “nonactive members” and excluded from membership privileges until the next calendar year.
Payments are to be made to the following account:
IBAN: CH11 0900 0000 1000 9774 0
Address: 1304 Cossonay-Ville
Communication Line 1: Full name of SAUTE member
Communication Line 2: 2023 dues
In order to help us cut down on bank charges, we would be grateful if members would pay their dues online rather than at the counter.
However, if you cannot or do not wish to do so, please contact our Treasurer, who will be happy to provide a payment slip.
SAUTE Treasurer

Prof. Dr. Olga Timofeeva
University of Zurich
English Department
Plattenstrasse 47
8032 Zurich
Tel. + 41 44 63 43 672
olga.timofeeva (at) es.uzh.ch