News on SNF research funding 2015
- SNF project (Locher): "Language and Health Online" (prolongation 2015-2016).
- SNF-project (Erne): "Belvedere (1600) and Its Literary Contexts" (2015-2018)
- SNF-project (Erne): "Editing Early Modern German Shakespeare: Tito Andronico (a Version of Titus Andronicus) and Kunst über alle Künste, ein bös Weib gut zu machen (a Version of The Taming of the Shrew)" (2015-2018)
Johns Hopkins University:
- SNF-project (Lawtoo): “Interdisciplinary Conrad: Affect, Mimesis, and Theory ” (prolongation 2015-2016).
Queen’s University Belfast:
- SNF International short visit (Baccianti): “The Revelatio Esdrae in Medieval Nordic Culture” (Sept-Dec 2015)
News on SNF research funding 2014
- SNF project (Habermann): “British Literary and Cultural Discourses of Europe” (2014-2017).
- SNF project (Schweighauser et al.): “Of Cultural, Poetic, and Medial Alterity: The Scholarship, Poetry, Photographs, and Films of Edward Sapir, Ruth Fulton Benedict, and Margaret Mead” (2014-2017)
- Marie Heim-Voegtlin scholarship (Kluwick): “Fictions of Fluctuation: Water in the Victorian Age” (2014-2016).
- SNF Sinergia (Claviez, Wetzel, Imesch Oechslin, Sweers, Hennard Dutheuil de la Rochère): “Theory and Practice of Authenticity in Global Cultural Production” (2014-2017)
- SNF project (Britain): "English in Paradise?: emergent varieties in Micronesia" (2015-2017)
- SNF Project (Dutton): "Early Drama at Oxford" (100015_153494)
- SNF Project (Maillat): “Biased Communication: The Cognitive Pragmatics of Fallacies” (2014-2017)
- Ambizione scholarship (Zufferey): “MULDIS - Discourse Connectives: From Multiple Languages to Multilingual Minds” (2014-2017)
- SNF project (Haeberli): "Studying Variation in Syntax: A Parsed Corpus of Swiss German" (2014-2016)
- SNF project (Stirling): “Space, place and image in the poetry and prose of John Donne” (2014-2017)
- SNF project (Hilpert): “Why is there regularity in grammatical semantic change? Reassessing the explanatory power of asymmetric priming” (2014-2016)
News on SNF research funding 2013
- SNF project (Britain): "Contact, mobility and authenticity: Language ideologies in koineisation and creolisation" (2013-2016)
- SNF project (Bolens Guillemette ): "Kinesic Knowledge in Anthropology and Literature" 2013-2015)
- SNF project (Haeberli): "The History of English Auxiliaries: Evidence from Adverb Placement" (2013-2015)
- SNF project (Renevey): “Late Medieval Religiosity in England: The Evidence of Late Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Devotional Compilations” (2013-2016).
- SNF project (Hundt): "Large-scale Annotation and Alignment of Parallel Corpora for the Investigation of Linguistic Variation" (2013-2016)
- Ambizione (Bevan Zlatar): " Making and Breaking Images in John Milton" (2013-2015)
News on SNF research funding 2012
- SNF project (Locher): "Language and Health Online" (2012-2015)
- SNF project extension (Locher/Kiss/Gygax): "Life (Beyond) Writing: Illness Narratives" (2012-2013)
- SNF project (Richter): "Liminal Communities in Contemporary Postcolonial Novels" (2012-2015)
- Marie Heim-Voegtlin scholarship (Lehmann Imfeld): "Towards a Theology of the Ghost Story" (2012-2014)
- SNF project (Austenfeld): "Raw Sensibilities: Elizabeth Bishop and the Philosophy of Beatitude" (2012-2015)
- Ambizione (Nievergelt): "Allegory, Hermeneutics and Epistemology: Guillaume Deguileville’s Pilgrimage trilogy in England 1350-1450" (2012-2015)
News on SNF research funding 2011
- SNF project (Haeberli): "Revisiting the Loss of Verb Movement in the History of English: Adverb Placement in Middle and Early Modern English" (2011-2012)
News on SNF research funding 2010
- Marie Heim-Voegtlin scholarship (Caci Haag): "Locating gender in space: Emily Dickinson's conception of gender" (2010-2012)
- SNF project (Rippl): "The Poetics and Politics of Cosmopolitanism in English Literatures of South Asian Background" (2010-2013)
- SNF project (Rippl): "Seriality and Intermediality in Graphic Novels" (2010-2014)
- SNF project (Austenfeld): "Illusionism in the "Riddling" School of American Poetry" (2010-2012)
- SNF project (Berthele/Maillat/Morretti/Werlen): "Mehrsprachigkeit und Lebensalter" (2010-2014)
- SNF project (Erne): "The Textual Life of William Shakespeare" (2010-2011)
News on SNF research funding 2009
- SNF project (Locher/Kiss/Gygax): "Life (Beyond) Writing: Illness Narratives" (2009-201/2)
- SNF project (Engler): "Passages We Live By: Shakespeare's Hamlet as an example. A new corpus concept for intertextuality research" (2009-2010)
News on SNF research funding 2008
- SNF project (Erne): "The Textual Life of William Shakespeare, 1593-1623" (2008-2010)
- SNF project (Vincent): "Revolutionary-Era British Travellers in Switzerland (1779-1803): Editing Three Major Texts" (2008-2010)
News on SNF research funding 2007
- SNF project (Reddick): "Thomas Hollis's 'Liberty' Donations to the Cities of Bern and Zürich, Harvard College, and other Destinations in Europe and the American Colonies" (2007-2011)
News on SNF research funding 2006
- SNF project (Engler): "Passages We Live By: Shakespeare's Hamlet as an example. A new corpus concept for intertextuality research" (2006-2009)
- SNF project (Tudeau-Clayton): "I. Shakespeare's Englishes-Shakespeare and the ideology of linguistic practices in early modern England. II. This England, That Shakespeare: new Angles on Englishness and the Bard" (2006-2007)
News on SNF research funding 2001
- SNF project (Allerton/Trudgill/Watts): "Language contact and focussing: the linguistics of English in Switzerland" (2001-2005)
News on SNF research funding 2000
- SNF project (Engler): "At the piano: Domestic music making in English literature (1600 to the present); a contribution to literary and gender history" (2000-2003)
- SNF project (Coray-Dapretto): "Etude des formes de l'oralité comme contribution à l'étude de la perfomance" (2000-2001)
- SNF project (Reddick): "Zürich Johnson Project: Publication and Analysis of the Writings of Samuel Johnson" (2000-2003)
- SNF project (Wolfensperger): "Herausgabe von King Henry VIII im Rahmen der englisch-deutschen Studienausgabe der Dramen Shakespeares" (2000-2002)
Overview of Projects (2000-2016)

At the SAUTE AGM 2014 it was decided that SAUTE ought to make the research activities of its members more visible. The Research Archive section is a list of SNF projects and advanced scholarships (only Ambizione/Marie Heim-Voegtlin/SNF professors) from 2000 to 2016.
A complete archive and up-to-date overview of funding can be found in the SNF project database (filters can be set to our discipline and departments).
Please contact the SAUTE webmasters if you feel that important information is missing.